Monday 21 November 2016

Taoist Robes and Magic Outfits of Taoism

Why do we have Taoist robes and magic outfits? Many might think that it is just some old fashion clothing, some traditions, but there is a lot more behind them that you will not know, unless someone like me unleash the insider secrets to you. Our robes and outfits are no way a decoration or costume for show, but actually all used for a real purpose, just like why police have to put on their bulletproof vests, it's put on for a reason, not just because it looks cool. In our lineage, we will require our new disciples to at least buy one set of the robes to start with, and it is extremely important for them to have the robes, and activate them after getting them, so that they can start learning and "saving". What a minute, saving what?  

Among our magical outfits, you can look at them in two major categories, one is for "in" and one is for "out". The "Taoist robes" are for the "in" category, they deal with saving up your energy and containing your energies, and the robe itself acts like a power bar, which saves up your energy while you do your cultivation. When you use the robe again, the contained energy will give you an extra layer of energy to use, and it shields yourself up. This robe cultivates for power, and does not output with a specific manner or "program" on top.

The magic robes on top are the ones that is in the "out" category, and it is for outputting your energy, programming your energy output characteristics, and how your body should output your power with different parts etc. It's like adding a program on top to fine tune the energy flow and so that it will output properly to do the magic work accordingly.

One soaks up energy and give you power when you need, the other one goes on top and helps you output energy in a certain way, together, they combine to one, just like a battery in a flashlight, it's a combination system with one that gives you energy, one outputs power, and together they adjust and tune your body from the normal state, to a magic-doing state.

Some may ask, so we cannot do magic without the robes?  

Can you swim without swimming suits? Of course you can, just that it is better when you have a choice to have proper gears, like all things in life. You can run without running shoes, you can go to work without any clothing, just that we prefer to have the right thing to do the job better. We can also do wood work in a workshop without safety goggles too, can't do you any woodwork without it?  Oh, why all the hassle with the masks and such then?  The same theory applies to magic gears, or magic outfits, they are better to have than not have, very simple. We are born naked, and we can do things naked, but we chose to not, because we know we can do things better with clothing, and different clothings can give us different feelings, or have different features that benefit us in a certain way to make life better, easier, and safer.

Our magic outfits are not just store-brought and then to be worn on your body. They must be activated, and with the proper FU talisman infused, spells infused, symbols and such drawn on the robes to program them up and so that they will work to perform the task. Just buying a robe with the same design don't do the job, because they are not magical gears, they are human made post-heaven artwork only. They can serve as decoration or costume, but not magical gears.

Magic outfits are magical, only because the magic is done on them, to program them up and make them magical. Nothing will have a magical effect without the magic work done on them. 

Even as a newbie disciple in the lineage, we also teach you how to activate your robes as a newbie, and you will still be doing magic work to the robes for your level. When you learn more, you add in more things to your magic gears, and eventually you will have them all upgraded as you learn and know more about what you can do with the robes. You never stop upgrading in life, and it is the same with magic. The better you get with magic, the more you know how to make your gears and magic better, more powerful or develop more features with them.

There is a lot to learn about magic robes and hats and such! 

To further look into the subject, feel free to watch my long lecture on youtube with a demonstration of the robes!